Tue, 10 Dec
|Release Your Mind
Come and get a wonderful December energy boost, more joy, balance and peace of mind in body and soul during a busy Christmas season. Price: DKK 130 incl. coffee/tea, water and some snacks. NOTE: Please transfer the amount via mobile pay to no. 58553 - only then have you secured your place.

Tid & sted
10 Dec 2019, 19:00 – 21:00
Release Your Mind, Majsmarken 12, 4140 Borup, Denmark
Om begivenheden
Come to an energy-filled evening here at Majsmarken 12. The meditation evening will help you get a wonderful December energy boost, more joy, balance and calm in body and soul during a busy Christmas season.
As always, the evening will have a theme. It can be healing, clairvoyance, contact with the deceased... I decide which topic it will be that evening, once I have received the registrations and marked in what is most suitable in relation to the participants.
Price: DKK 130 incl. coffee/tea, water and some snacks.
NOTE: there are only 10 places, so if you want one of them, please secure your place by paying the amount via mobile pay to numbers 58553.
See you?
I hope so :-)
Kh Imke