Reiki practice evening
Wed, 12 Jan
Reiki practice evening for those who want sparring, practice and new input - and a good dose of good energy.

Tid & sted
12 Jan 2022, 18:30 – 21:30
Borup, Bakkegårds Alle 34, 4140 Borup, Denmark
Om begivenheden
Come to the Reiki practice evening here at Bakkegårds Alle 34.
We start the evening with a joint healing meditation, then we split into small groups and heal each other.
The purpose is to spar, feel, practice and get new input and ideas - as well as to get a really nice healing yourself - with lots of beautiful light from the universe.
Prerequisite for participating: You have either Reiki 1, 2 or 3 and want to get new input, sparring and enjoy an evening of high energy.
Just the right thing on a gray and boring Wednesday in the middle of January :-).
NOTE: max. 8 participants
Price: DKK 300.
You register by sending me a message via SMS, email or messenger and by paying DKK 300 to mobile pay number 58553 (Release Your Mind).