For children and young people between 6 and 16 years of age
Create more health and joy in life
Get help for your child with headaches, stress, get help for your child with ADHD or let your child have a personal respite in a busy everyday life.
Get help through cranio-sacral therapy, a gentle massage technique where I work with gentle pressure on/around the head (skull), face, spine and sacrum. The child's body is activated to use its self-healing powers.
Many children experience being in a constant state of alarm - but without really noticing it on a daily basis.
But the body and psyche find it difficult to keep up with a lifestyle where the child is constantly "on". Therefore, imbalances occur in bodies and minds. The symptoms often come insidiously and we only discover them when they have become a regular part of everyday life – a regular annoying part.
This is where cranio-sacral therapy comes into the picture. A treatment with cranio-sacral therapy helps the child to re-establish calm in his system
– and thus help the child to better health and more joy in life.
See here which imbalances a cranio-sacral treatment can remedy or alleviate:
Headaches and migraines
Neck and back pain
Disc herniation
Jaw pain
Sleep problems