Luxury treatment for the best results
In a combined treatment, I combine all my tools individually according to the client's needs.
We typically start with a clairvoyance to find out where the blockages are. A natural release of imbalances will occur during the clairvoyance. During a subsequent Reiki healing or cranio-sacral therapy, I go in and help the body and mind to let go and clean out what has been released. Finally, we replenish the client's system with renewed energy.
Read more about the individual treatments here:
Personal and efficient treatment - through your own computer or smartphone .
For those of you who live far away or do not have the opportunity for physical treatment here in the clinic, I am now opening up this possibility.
With remote sittings / treatments, I can therefore get right to the heart of the matter and get blocked energy released just when your need arises.
Clairvoyance, healing, cranio-sacral therapy and combined treatments can be carried out regardless of location and distance between client and therapist.
Therefore, a remote sitting / treatment is an effective and quick tool to be able to gain insight, clarity and healing, even if you cannot physically come to the clinic.
We arrange a time when you can be completely undisturbed in front of the screen. The rest takes place as a physical treatment - except that you cannot lie down on my couch. You will receive the healing anyway - right where you are.
I have performed several sittings and treatments via the screen and am very excited. The results are fantastic - as my clients feel a great effect from receiving the treatment precisely at the time that suits them best, regardless of distance.
That is why I am happy to be able to offer remote sittings and treatments to all those who do not have the opportunity to come physically to the clinic.